, pub-7109033172120382, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Speed Camera Club - join up - upload TrafficReports
TrafficReport upload to db and MapView
Speedo Minder twin 'Over-Speed' alerts (in a private car park).
Speedo Minder Pro - Apple Watch showing the dashboard
Speedo Minder twin 'Over-Speed' alerts. Apple Watch at 14s.
Speedo Minder Pro - Apple Watch showing dashboard at 9s
SpeedoMinder Dashboard - general settings
SpeedoMinder Dashboard - Reset GPS, Full Mute
App settings for over-speed Notifications
Critical settings for best user experience
App settings for subtle over-speed Notifications
iPhone Settings for OPTIONAL 'flashing notification'
SpeedoMinder Dashboard - City Drive Settings
SpeedoMinder Dashboard - Country Drive Settings
- Speedo Minder gives you Speed Limit & Speed Camera data using Open Street Maps API for online road data.
The Speedo Minder App monitors your GPS speed against your customized 'Over-Speed' settings.
- When you exceed your pre-set 'Over-Speed' the Speedo Minder App
delivers an Audio Alert from your phone also vibrates/notifies your Apple Watch to give you a warning.
- Yes! Speedo Minder will use your phone's 4G to make API calls for road data.
But you will need the app running and the phone to be open to the sky for the GPS signal.
- This is a GPS strength meter. Also if you tap it the app will 're-start' which can be useful if the GPS has jammed or stalled.
- The App needs your GPS location in order to know what the local speed limit is. The best setting is 'Always Allow' as this sets the app to work correctly in the background as well as on the main screen.
- Drivers will find their own configuration to best suit their driving conditions.
Setting the ‘Over-Speed’ to +3 or +4 and the ‘Repeat Alert Frequency’ to every 2 to 4 seconds will work for most drivers.
- The WatchOS Companion App is now working as of iOS version 1.1.2.
- If you need to answer a call the App will continue to ‘run in the background' like during a quick phone call or on a locked screen.
- The answer is 'yes'.
To keep the speed alerts coming just be sure to keep the Speedo Minder dashboard visible on the main screen with other apps running in behind.
- If you run a Bluetooth Helmet or earbuds, (maybe with music too?) just set your music running first, 'then' start SM Pro, check your settings and with SM Pro showing on the dashboard screen place your phone in your top/side pocket. The app will run with the GPS signal fine, sending Over-Speed Alerts over the top of the music or phone calls. Be careful of draining your battery. GPS is thirsty!!
As a self-confessed lead-foot
SpeedoMinder™ is perfect for me to keep alerted to my speed while keeping my eyes on the road. SpeedoMinder™ has taught me the real value of the cruise-control.
A clever design incorporating intuitive driver's behaviour and smart programming logic plus OSM API data has evolved into an easily customised and versatile
Over-Speed Limit Alert App.
Tap open the Watch icon on iPhone
Go to Notifications
Tap open Layout for icons on Watch - note position of SM Pro
Confirm SM Pro is installed on Watch
Tap open Installed and confirm toggled to show.
Speedo Minder on Watch